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Ep. 162 - The Fiat Standard
Season 2 Mattimore Cronin Season 2 Mattimore Cronin

Ep. 162 - The Fiat Standard

How the fiat money system works 💸 In this episode, Mattimore explores the current stage in evolution of money, using Saifedean's new book, "The Fiat Standard" as a guide...

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Ep. 161 - The US Debt Clock
Season 2 Mattimore Cronin Season 2 Mattimore Cronin

Ep. 161 - The US Debt Clock

Debt, Inflation, and Hyperbitcoinization ⏰ In this episode, Mattimore explores how the growing US debt burden is affecting financial markets, public policy measures, and individuals…

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Ep. 160 - The Future of Surfing
Season 2 Mattimore Cronin Season 2 Mattimore Cronin

Ep. 160 - The Future of Surfing

How is climate change affecting surf breaks? 🏄‍♂️ In this episode, Mattimore explores how four major climate factors are affecting surf breaks worldwide, and the pros and cons of the various solutions being proposed to mitigate these effects…

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